Funny Greeting for a Sick Friend

Funny Get Well Wishes

Last updated: Feb 6, 2021

When someone is ill or injured it can be a frustrating, miserable and often lonely place to be. They could do with being cheered up or having a laugh. That's why funny get well wishes can be so great. If a loved one or friend is unwell then you can send them a funny message or joke, maybe gently making fun of their situation. Putting a smile on their face when they're feeling down or fed up will be hugely appreciated and could brighten their boring or unhappy day.

However, you must be certain that the recipient of your message or card is going to be able to laugh at themselves and be part of the joke. There is a real chance they may not find being ill funny and could take offence. So be mindful of that and try to be 100% sure the person the message is intended for is the type who will be open to having their illness/injury poked fun at.

Funny Get Well Messages

  • If I told you to "Get Well Soon," it wouldn't be soon enough. Get Well Now!
  • Please get well soon. I can only be nice to you for so long.
  • Laughter is the best medicine, or gin.. whatever
  • There are easier ways to get off work, you know. Glad you're on the mend!
  • Remember to milk this while you can – 'cause you'll be all better soon enough!
  • Try not to think of it as a hospital stay. Think of it as a spa package that includes meals, regular health evaluations and jello cubes.
  • Sorry your sick day is due to actual sickness.
  • Your stupid illness is robbing me of attention. Get well soon.
  • Germs, just like everyone else, find you irresistible. Get well soon!
  • Hoping for your complete recovery, because I can't be bothered to come to the hospital for a second time!
  • Get well soon so we can make fun of you again and not feel bad
  • Being sick is just your body's way of telling you you're way too awesome, and you need to slow down so everyone else can catch up.
  • I may not be a doctor... but they do say that duct tape fixes everything!
  • I hope you feel better soon, so you can come back to work and immediately feel worse.
  • I heard pretendinitis really sucks. I hope you manage to get over it.
  • Studies indicate that those who receive get well cards have an 80% faster recovery rate.
  • Take all the time you need to recover. Your work will be here whenever you feel better. It will just be piled up extremely high on your desk.
  • If your immune system was a lawyer, I would fire it. It doesn't seem to be defending you well enough.
  • Missing you in work, you owe us 10 drink rounds, 2 birthday messages, 3 collections and cakes.
  • Sorry you had to eat hospital food.
  • Get well soon, coffee rounds are more frequent when you're off.
  • See? You're so great, even germs like you.
  • I know you wanted some time off work but this was a bit extreme!
  • Folks who think laughter is the best medicine apparently have never had morphine.
  • Get well cards are great at keeping you from having to shake hands or hug a sick person. That's why you are getting a card from me.
  • Lying in bed for days on end gives you the chance to reflect on what's important in life.. not to mention count little cracks in the ceilin.g
  • Getting back to health is easy enough.. it's getting back to work that's tough! Get well soon.
  • If all the doctors are as hot as yours, I'd choose to be sick every day!
  • Feel better! But in the meantime, keep a safe distance please.
  • Here's hoping your recovery from surgery goes down as smoothly as the painkillers and comfort food will

funny get well wishes message

sick day funny get well message joke

Rude/Offensive Get Well Messages

These funny messages are a lot more risque and in some cases downright rude! They will only be suitable for a small group of people with a certain sense of humour. So be extra careful when deciding on whether to use them.

  • Get well soon – headstones are really expensive!
  • Get well soon! Unless I'm the beneficiary of your life insurance, in which case I think you should stop fighting it and let yourself be at peace.
  • I hope you get better soon, I reeeaaally don't have time to attend a funeral at the moment.
  • Look on the bright side, at least it's not herpes [or insert other embarrassing disease].
  • Get well soon – your cough is absolutely disgusting.
  • Feel better soon. I would visit, but I don't want what you have. Also I'm kinda busy!
  • An apple a day will keep anyone away... if thrown hard enough.
  • Here's hoping the worst part of your surgery will be wiping with the other hand...
  • You better get better – I'm sick of you being sick!
  • I hope you're soon feeling yourself again! Not in that way...
  • Get well soon. It's too bad there's no cure for being a [insert rude word here].
  • Well, it can't all be sunshine and hookers. Get well soon!
  • Please get well soon so I find you attractive again.
  • I always knew you were sick… but not in this way
  • Sorry you feel like s***.
  • I wish I could take away your pain. Or at least take away the people who compare it to the time their hamster died.
  • Get well soon so I can have the rest of your Vicodin

Laughter is a great way to improve someones mood and brighten their spirits. When someone is ill they need all the cheering up they can get so if the situation is right, a funny get well message and card could be just the thing they need. So whilst you should be wary of offending or upsetting them, if you feel confident then a funny message could be the best way to wish someone a quick recovery.

Get Well Resources

  • Get Well Gifts
  • Get Well FAQ: Guide to Writing a Get Well Message
  • Get Well Soon Prayers
  • Get Well Soon Quotes


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